What do you think of when you hear the word "basement?" An extra space for the kids to play? Additional storage for those items you just can't bare to part with? A refuge from storms when they roll through?
The basements of your childhood have gotten a makeover! Long gone are the dark, drab spaces where Kevin McAllister did his laundry. Basements today are versatile and highly desired! They are also something that you don't find in every community, so your house can really stand out.

Whether you want an additional hang out space for your family, a guest bedroom and bathroom, a virtual schooling space, or a theatre, we've got you covered with our basement homesites available in Brickshire, Dispatch Station. and Pennwood Estates.

To find out more about the private basement homesites available in our communities, or learn more about building a basement home on your own land, email sales@shurmhomes.com or call 804-929-4297.